Starting to think about your new year’s resolutions? We have a better idea for you. It’s time to make an anti new year’s resolution list Mudders. Hear us out.
This year we’ve decided that we’re not being less than, limiting ourselves or placing restrictions on diet and hitting the gym everyday. These types of January resolutions are not sustainable, they aren’t meaningful and they certainly aren’t fun. Really who wants to do dry January, it’s a long and tough enough month as is.
In 2022, say #fckit to all the things society is telling you to change. Instead let’s live bigger, bolder and more adventurously.
These are the three reasons you should also make an anti-resolution list.

Make That Anti New Year Resolution List
1. You won’t feel the guilt of falling off any bandwagons.
2. Why make one small change when you can join the #FCKRESOLUTIONS movement.
3. Choose a lifestyle of adventure, not a month of limitations.
New Year’s resolutions are bullsh*t because they encourage you to take on bad habits whereby you are limiting yourself, being less than and ultimately curbing yourself under the guise of them making you a better person. We’re here to call out this mindset and call bullsh*t on the whole thing.
So instead of writing that new year’s resolution list full of health and fitness changes that you’ll try to keep. Put the pen down, read our anti resolution list and take action this year by taking on a new adventure.
Want to join the movement and take the #fckresolutions pledge?