At the start of lockdown websites selling at home workout equipment saw a massive spike. While we have had to remain at home Mudder Nation have been finding ways to continue their training. From signing up to our 21 day virtual fitness adventure, Tough Mudder Challenges and virtual classes, to at-home workouts, they have been finding ways to keep fit. You may like us, have ordered that resistance band and used it on the odd occasion but now it is starting to collect dust. This is the perfect lower body resistance band workout to keep you on track with your training for your next event.
5 Move Resistance Band Workout
Do 5 rounds of these 5 exercises with a 1 minute break in-between rounds. Not feeling like getting up from your bed? Some of these exercises can even be done from your bed or sofa.
- ‘Around the world’ standing side leg raises then into kickbacks 3 x 5 reps each leg

- Banded hip thrusts 3 x 10 reps
- Side-Kicks with knees slightly bent 3 x 10 reps. Alternate each leg
- Crab walks 3-4 steps each way (depending how much room you have). When you reach the end of your room do a 5 second pulse at the end. Do 4 sets of this.
- Wide stance banded squats 3 x 10 reps

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