Devil’s Beard is deceivingly difficult because this cargo net is staked down every 10′ forcing even the strongest Mudder to get on their knees and crawl. Prepare for your Tough Mudder course and show this devilish obstacle that you have its number. This should be your go-to workout for training for Devil’s Beard.
It’s time to ramp up your leg workout. You’re welcome.
Two Exercises For Training For Devil’s Beard
Exercise 1 The Squat
Take a dumbbell, kettle bell, or large stone, anything you can find, and hold it in front of your chest.
Stick your hips out behind you, bend your knees, and lower yourself until you’re in a full squat position.
Pause for a second for the burn to really set in and then push back to the start position.
Repeat for 12 reps, 15 second break. Perform for 3 sets.
Exercise 2 Push-up & Row
Push-up with an added row will really put your arms and shoulders to work. Grab two dumbbells and assume a push-up position, with your arms straight.
Perform a regular push-up, but as you fully extend your arms at the height of the push-up, take one dumbbell and bring it all the way to the side of your chest. Lower your arm and descend back to the start position.
Repeat this for 8-10 reps, alternating arms. Perform for 3 sets.

For the obstacle Devil’s Beard it’s all about slowing down to speed up when it comes to conquering this 60-foot cargo net that’s staked to the ground. You can do it by yourself—but it’ll be easier if you don’t. Grab your teammates. First person stands up halfway. Arch your back to elevate the net off the ground.
Come put the workout to the test on a Tough Mudder course near you.