How to Conquer Block Ness Monster
If you want the ultimate example of a teamwork obstacle, look no further than Block Ness Monster. Conquering this obstacle relies on working together, both through communication and creating momentum to help you and others over the series of spinning blocks. The teamwork involved is broken up into two different roles: ‘the pusher’ and ‘the puller’. Both play crucial parts, as they create the momentum to keep everyone moving once they’ve entered the obstacle.
The two moves you need to get over the Block Ness Monster
Let’s Begin With ‘The Puller’
This is the person that goes over the block first. The puller will start by grabbing one edge of the block and will hold on as their partner pushes the block forward. Once the block starts moving, hold onto the edge until you get to the top.
Pro Tip: When the block moves, start doing a pull up motion, so that once you reach the top, you can quickly turn around instead of diving into the water head first on the other side.
Once you are on the other side, it’s time to help others get over the block. Your job is to make it easier for them and keep the momentum up of the moving block. You will grab the next edge of the block and pull down on the corner to help your partner over, who has grabbed the other edge of the block on their end. As the block keeps moving, those edges will propel others to the other side and ultimately allow for more people to keep this monster from stopping other teams entering the obstacles having a hard time over the block.
Looking for some exercises that will help you with this obstacle? Add dead hangs and pull-ups to your workout routine to be a strong ‘puller’.

Now For The ‘The Pusher’
This is the partner that starts the movement of the block. The pusher starts by grabbing an edge of the block that is under the water and pushes the edge up, allowing the block to spin…talk about a team player. Once that same edge of the block gets to the top, the pusher will then grab that corner and now becomes the next ‘puller.’ Both the ‘pusher’ and ‘puller’ are equally important to allow individual team members, as small as groups of two over Block Ness to teams of ten.
You’re a Mudder, so you are looking for the best way to prepare. The exercises to add into your workout routine that will enhance your performance as the pusher are bicep curls and push-ups, something you can do with simple weights or by using your body weight.
In all, as the pushers and pullers continue to work together, momentum in the Block Ness Monster will remain consistent, making it easier to move your teammates through the obstacle. Continue to keep the block moving so that no Mudder is left behind.
Supporting you through Block Ness Monster are our new friends at Lidl, look out for them at events this year.
Don’t want the obstacle fun to stop, check out the other infamous Tough Mudder obstacles. Ready to face Block Ness Monster, grab your place on the Tough Mudder start line.