As if we weren’t excited enough about the first UK Tough Mudder weekend in 2018, it turns out that Tough Mudder London West will be our 50th event ever in Europe.
Tough Mudder’s 50th Event in Europe
That means we’ve had 50 events full of innovative obstacles that push boundaries, teamwork and camaraderie that keeps us motivated and just a tiny bit of mud.
We’ve loved every single one of those 50 events, but they wouldn’t exist without you. That’s every single one of you by the way, from dedicated legionnaires to first timers, it’s Mudder Nation that makes every event unique.
Celebrate with Tough Mudder
So to say thank you and to celebrate this momentous occasion we’re kick starting 50 hours of extreme savings on Wednesday morning.
For 50 hours you can get 25% off any Tough Mudder Half or Tough Mudder Full event in the UK using code: FLASH25*
Want in? Check out all of our UK Tough Mudder Half and Tough Mudder Full events.
*The code is entered at the end of the checkout path.