Even adhering to all our Tough Mudder tips, our obstacle course is taxing enough. There’s no reason to let additional obstacles like cramps, dehydration, nausea and unnecessary fatigue get between you and the finish line. But like deciphering workout fact from myth, navigating the net of nutritional knowledge can be as daunting as manoeuvring your way through Mud Mile in a blindfold.
So to keep you focused on training, we’ve created an easy-to-digest nutrition roadmap to help you eat wisely at five pivotal points in your mud run journey.
What you should eat…
Two Days Before A Tough Mudder
If you’re into endurance events, you’ve probably heard of “carb-loading.” If you haven’t, the term doesn’t leave much to the imagination– and now’s the time to start. Two days before Tough Mudder, 70% to 90% of your calories should come from carbohydrates. Why? During digestion, carbs are broken down into sugars that the body absorbs, stores and uses as energy–something you’re gonna need a whole lot of on event day.
The Night Before Your Tough Mudder
Remember that the term is “carb-load” not “carb-overload.” Keep your dinner small but carb-heavy and eat earlier than you normally would. You’re better off waking up hungry on event day than full and bloated from the night before. Some digestion-friendly dinner choices include white bread, pancakes, pasta, bagels, pitas, tortillas, oatmeal, skinless potatoes, brown rice, and…well, you get the point.
Morning Of Your Tough Mudder
On event day, the timing of your breakfast is just as important as what you eat. Aim to finish your breakfast about three hours before the start gun and be sure it consists of some easy-to-digest carbs (around 160-grams worth) and some light protein. Additionally, don’t introduce foods that you haven’t experimented with during training on event day– save the risk-taking for the course.

During A Tough Mudder (aka the fun part)
We want Mudders to finish strong so understand what and where you’ll need it most. Water and banana stations (event dependent – we have different partners each season) are scattered throughout the course, so chill– we got you covered.
After Your Tough Mudder Event
So you’ve gallantly crossed the finish line and earned, not only that coveted finisher drink, but the right to call yourself a Tough Mudder. Knowing that your spirits are as high as your calorie count is low, the trifecta of on-course offerings is completed with a protein bar, essential for post-event recovery. Once you’ve downed the drink and bar, there’s only one thing left to take in– the awesome vibes of the after party.

While we can hook your beautiful bod up with exactly what it needs during and after (yeah, we just called the finisher beverage a necessity). Tough Mudder, it’s up to you to get into a healthy and informed habit of eating, not just two days before Tough Mudder, but throughout your entire Mudder journey–from team building to training and preparation.
Now you know what to eat, where are you going to put your new found knowledge to the test? Secure your Tough Mudder spot.